Life Is Feudal: MMO Guild Trailer is Out, and it's Time to Group Up!!

lifeisfeudal-1 Life Is Feudal: MMO Guild Trailer is Out, and it's Time to Group Up!!

What You Need to Know:

lifeisfeudal-1 Life Is Feudal: MMO Guild Trailer is Out, and it's Time to Group Up!!

  • We can't stress it enough just how valuable it is to have friends around to play your favorite games with. It just makes life feel that much greater and the experiences you can share are limitless. If that all sounds glorious to you then you'll definitely love the latest trailer for Life is Feudal: MMO, the latest title from Bitbox and Xsolla!
  • In this trailer Bitbox walks you through setting up a guild and staking a land claim. But be wary, each type of land offers a special boon, and bane - the winter-lands, for example, offer plenty of logging opportunities, but little hunting - while the sunny grasslands offer warmth, and abundant game, but due to dry heat, make for difficult farming.
  • Once you've picked a perfect spot, it's time to build a Monument to stake your guild's claim. With your Monument is in place, that land is yours, meaning no enemies may sneak in and steal from you, nor may they trespass without your knowledge. Lastly, if you sacrifice valuable resources at the Monument, you'll "power it up", which offers you increased strength and influence in the game world.

Source: Official Press Release

Official Trailer

How to Form a Guild and Claim Your Land - Life is Feudal: MMO

lifeisfeudal-1 Life Is Feudal: MMO Guild Trailer is Out, and it's Time to Group Up!!
The more content that I see from this game, the more elated I feel. There just seems to be so much within the game and I'm eager to play it.
lifeisfeudal-1 Life Is Feudal: MMO Guild Trailer is Out, and it's Time to Group Up!!
This game will surely fair better with friends though to be honest. Playing by oneself may be fun but with friends, this game may create some wild experiences.

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