Super Cute Spring Anime Bonobono Gets Two PVs!

bonobono-visual-560x367 Super Cute Spring Anime Bonobono Gets Two PVs!

What You Need to Know:

  • Super cute kids anime Bonobono is just around the corner as it's set for the spring season.
  • Now, we can bring you not just one but two promotional videos for the series, which you can watch below!
  • For everything you could possibly want to know about this series, check out our upcoming anime information page on Bonobono here!

Special PV

Source: Official Website

bonobono-visual-560x367 Super Cute Spring Anime Bonobono Gets Two PVs!
Bonobono is a super popular character in Japan - you can find him all over toy stores!
bonobono-visual-560x367 Super Cute Spring Anime Bonobono Gets Two PVs!
He's really cute, so that's not surprising at all! I wonder how many fans abroad will watch this, though?

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